10 April 2009

The next weapon . . . .Springfield Armory TRP .45 cal.

Yes, a Springfield Armory Tactical Response Pistol , .45 cal., 5" barrel, Armory Kote. Picked this baby up for $1000 and the going rate for it is approximately $1100-1500 on Gun Broker.

I still need to pick up some Wilson Combat 47D 8 round magazines (I'm ordering ten magazines) and a decent open-top paddle holster.

Some Pics:

The first of the new gun acquisitions . . . Colt Python

The Colt Python is a .357 Magnum caliber revolver manufactured by Colt's Manufacturing Company of Hartford, Connecticut. The Colt Python is considered to be a premium American revolver. Along with the Colt Peacemaker it is considered to be one of the finest revolvers ever made by Colt.

Colt Manufacturing Co. announced the termination of its production of Python revolvers in October 1999 due to lack of sales and rising production costs.

The Colt Python is a double action handgun chambered for the powerful .357 Magnum cartridge built on Colt's large I-frame. Pythons have a reputation for accuracy, smooth trigger pull and a tight cylinder lock-up. The Colt Python was first introduced in 1955 as Colt's top-of-the-line model and was originally intended to be a large-frame 38 Special target revolver. As a result, it features precision adjustable sights, a smooth trigger, solid construction, and extra metal. Pythons have a distinct appearance. A full barrel underlug, ventilated rib and adjustable sights combine to give the gun its unique look. Originally, Colt manufactured Pythons with hollow underlugs but left them solid to add stabilizing barrel weight. When the revolver is at full cock, just as the trigger is pressed, the cylinder locks up for the duration of the hammer strike. Other revolvers have a hint of looseness even at full-cock. The gap between the cylinder and forcing cone is very tight, further aiding accuracy and velocity.

(cited from Wikipedia)

I checked my serial number and found out that the weapon was created the year I was born! 1971!

I picked this baby up for $1000. According to GunBroker.com, the pythons are going for anywhere from $1100 to 1600 bucks.

Awesome weapon, nice weight and feel to it, and a super smooth action.

More weapon pictures to come!

09 April 2009

I hope you relish this as much as I. . . .

This has absolutely nothing to do with Zombies, Guns, or Gaming, but I had to post it for the sheer humor.


08 April 2009

Whoo-weee! Lots going on. . .

Well well well, Leaded, where have you been and what the hell have you been up to?

Let me tell you, after dealing with some ex-wife crapola, breaking the bank to purchase some extremely "killer" deals with some handguns and shotguns, and preparing for a weekend of range time and gaming with my good friends, I am mentally taxed. I'm also nursing a case of diarrhea, but nuff' said.

Let's talk about the important stuff. GUNS.

Due to a financial bind that a close friend of mine (whom I will call "The Armorer") was having, he had to off-load a crap load of guns at cut-throat prices, a "fire" sale if you will, no pun intended. All in all, he was trying to get rid of twenty-five (25) guns, so he opted to sell to his close friends and coworkers.

I reviewed the list of items and here are the ones that I chose and the prices that I got them for:

1) Springfield 1911 .45 cal. TRP in Armory Kote (like a blued finish) with two (2) Magazines
MSRP: $1300-1600, Leaded's Price $1000

2) Glock 30 .45 cal. Compact with five (5) ten round magazines
MSRP: $490-600 + $110 in magazines., Leaded's Price: $400 Flat

3) Colt Python .357 Magnum 6" Barrel Factory Royal Blued
MSRP: $1100-1300, Leaded's Price: $1000

4) Benelli M1 Super 90 12 Gauge Autoloader
MSRP: $1000-1200, Leaded's Price: $800

5) Mossberg J.I.C. 12 Gauge
MSRP: $350-450, Leaded's Price: $300

Total Savings on the high side: $5150-3500= $1,650.00

Not too shabby. Now all I have to do is photograph them for you all to see and get a few accessories (Holsters, Speedloaders, Magazines, Tactical Thigh Rig, Slings, extra specialty tools.)


Range time this Saturday. Of course with new (used) guns comes the inevitable. Playtime. Nuff' said.

Also, several of the buddies are coming up to race, game, and acupuncture (yes, acupuncture), through the weekend. Good times, Happy Easter. Hehehehehe. . . .

Side Note: I coordinated some dry-fire tactical drills tonight with the coworkers involving a pepperball launcher, a 37mm Launcher, Tactical Shield, and a Hands-free officer. Good times, the team looked and performed great. Love that 37mm.

I'll throw the pics up tomorrow.

05 April 2009

Happy Birthday to the Discourser!

I want to wish the Discourser a great birthday. This is a guy that has definitely had his hands full with work, family, and the general heartaches of life.

Enjoy it my friend! You earned it!

Zombie Soundboard

Night of the Living Dead Soundboard

28 Days Later Soundboard