08 April 2009

Whoo-weee! Lots going on. . .

Well well well, Leaded, where have you been and what the hell have you been up to?

Let me tell you, after dealing with some ex-wife crapola, breaking the bank to purchase some extremely "killer" deals with some handguns and shotguns, and preparing for a weekend of range time and gaming with my good friends, I am mentally taxed. I'm also nursing a case of diarrhea, but nuff' said.

Let's talk about the important stuff. GUNS.

Due to a financial bind that a close friend of mine (whom I will call "The Armorer") was having, he had to off-load a crap load of guns at cut-throat prices, a "fire" sale if you will, no pun intended. All in all, he was trying to get rid of twenty-five (25) guns, so he opted to sell to his close friends and coworkers.

I reviewed the list of items and here are the ones that I chose and the prices that I got them for:

1) Springfield 1911 .45 cal. TRP in Armory Kote (like a blued finish) with two (2) Magazines
MSRP: $1300-1600, Leaded's Price $1000

2) Glock 30 .45 cal. Compact with five (5) ten round magazines
MSRP: $490-600 + $110 in magazines., Leaded's Price: $400 Flat

3) Colt Python .357 Magnum 6" Barrel Factory Royal Blued
MSRP: $1100-1300, Leaded's Price: $1000

4) Benelli M1 Super 90 12 Gauge Autoloader
MSRP: $1000-1200, Leaded's Price: $800

5) Mossberg J.I.C. 12 Gauge
MSRP: $350-450, Leaded's Price: $300

Total Savings on the high side: $5150-3500= $1,650.00

Not too shabby. Now all I have to do is photograph them for you all to see and get a few accessories (Holsters, Speedloaders, Magazines, Tactical Thigh Rig, Slings, extra specialty tools.)


Range time this Saturday. Of course with new (used) guns comes the inevitable. Playtime. Nuff' said.

Also, several of the buddies are coming up to race, game, and acupuncture (yes, acupuncture), through the weekend. Good times, Happy Easter. Hehehehehe. . . .

Side Note: I coordinated some dry-fire tactical drills tonight with the coworkers involving a pepperball launcher, a 37mm Launcher, Tactical Shield, and a Hands-free officer. Good times, the team looked and performed great. Love that 37mm.

I'll throw the pics up tomorrow.


  1. My God Leaded, I'm getting wood just reading your list o' firearms. Wish I could be there this weekend, but this 2,400 mile away thing makes it a bit hard.

  2. Hehehehehe. . . I giggled when I picked them up. Hehehehe

  3. I bet you did. I'm sure you had to wipe a bit of drool off of them too.


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