09 September 2009

Fucking three months . . . sheesh

Well, life has been a goddamn rollercoaster for me this past few months. . reconnected with some friends, totally lost another, house is getting foreclosed on, and ignorant bastards are judging me for all kinds of ridiculous crap.

I say . . .

Fuck them all and let the walking dead devour their very essence into a black abyss of dirt and worms.

wow. . .

Ok anyway on a cheery note, I'm finally making plans to move back to a more positive environment with good quality friends. Nice!!!!!!

3 months is long enough. . I need to do some major updating to this blogsite. Upcoming features will be some SurvivorMan links and information, upcoming outdoor trips, more weapon photos, more tips on firestarting and hopefully some demo videos, and of course. . .zombies.

Never, never, ever, go into the dark room without a flashlight and a gun. . .


1 comment:

Zombie Soundboard

Night of the Living Dead Soundboard

28 Days Later Soundboard