Thank you to the Acupuncturer for sending me the link to this video from Austin, Texas.
http://www.kxan. com/dpp/news/ Road_signs_ warn_of_zombies
Preparation is key!
30 January 2009
Ok so I'm a coffee drinker .. .
Short note:
I have to recommend the best Kona coffee I have ever tasted. .Kona Joe's Peaberry Kona Coffee. I think you can only get it from Kona-Kailua in Hawaii but once you've tried it, you will never go back to that generic, burnt crap from S---bucks.
Kinda pricey, but if you like your coffee like i do, then it's worth it.
Look behind you!
I have to recommend the best Kona coffee I have ever tasted. .Kona Joe's Peaberry Kona Coffee. I think you can only get it from Kona-Kailua in Hawaii but once you've tried it, you will never go back to that generic, burnt crap from S---bucks.
Kinda pricey, but if you like your coffee like i do, then it's worth it.
Look behind you!
Leaded, Why gaming? I mean, Zombies and Guns, sure, but. . .gaming?!?!
Certainly gaming, specifically role-playing games (pen and paper). Video games are nice, but pen and paper role playing games force you to think and plan and assess. Hrmmm . . . sound familiar?
The US Military does it all the time with wargames, law enforcement does it with emergency planning and "scenario training," and civilians do it with "therapy."
See my point?
I have been an avid pen-and-paper role player for over 24 years, ever since my first game of Top Secret where I was introduced into a world of spies and 007-type scenarios.
Can you see how it relates to preparation for zombie incidents?
More on this later. .
The US Military does it all the time with wargames, law enforcement does it with emergency planning and "scenario training," and civilians do it with "therapy."
See my point?

I have been an avid pen-and-paper role player for over 24 years, ever since my first game of Top Secret where I was introduced into a world of spies and 007-type scenarios.
Can you see how it relates to preparation for zombie incidents?
More on this later. .
29 January 2009
Let's talk about groups, shall we?
SuperGoober and Garandman both had a couple of questions regarding the organization of groups or teams, and the use of a high caliber longarm, such as the M-14. How are they related?
Let me elaborate.
The firearm package that I described in an earlier post was designed around the solo survivalist, dealing specifically with the undead. In fact, if we broaden the spectrum to general survival, I would also include a good .22 rifle for hunting and, if you have time and high ground, killing zombies by going for headshots and soft tissue shots in the head (eyes and nasal bridge to cause damage to the brain).
Now, back to the group thing. Having a wider variance of weaponry will definitely call for more than one person, considering the weight involved in carrying different caliber ammunition. You could switch out the M-4 for the M-14 or M-1 Garand, but in my opinion, if you are solo, you want to be consolidated and have multipurpose weaponry.
In a group setting, two or more people can opt to carry a wider variety of weaponry, so in this case, having a high caliber, longer range option is possible.
With groups, you have to be concerned about dynamics. ANY hesitation in decision-making is like a ticking bomb waiting to happen. Sure a group of friends can get together and have a party but in a survival setting, where stress is a HUGE factor, the ability to overcome and adapt to the setting is CRUCIAL.
What kills people in a stressful survival situation is the irrational bullshit that most normal people succumb to. For example, emotions, especially when one sees a family member who has been turned a walking undead cesspool, can produce deadly situations. WAKE UP! (slap to the face) and SURVIVE!
My recommendation: IF you can overcome the bullshit, have good group dynamics (I would recommend people that you have known for some time, have a good mixture of skillsets (IE: Survival, weapon skills, navigation, medical skills, mechanics, chemistry, psychology, etc,), and are prepared, then groups can work.

Preparation is the key. Everyone should have a fifteen minute bag. What I'm talking about here is a survival kit, similar to a general survival kit that will allow them to leave their home/location in fifteen minutes.
Why fifteen minutes?
In the event of a zombie incident, I agree with SuperGoober regarding his assessment of news and radio reports. These incidents will be discarded as rioting or large disturbances in localized areas. In a perfect world, this is the moment where you should begin to put your eme
rgency plan into effect. However, in the real world, most of us would be thinking "wow, that's interesting, gee, I hope everyone is ok and the police get that situation under control, I sure hope it doesn't come into my area!"
FOOD FOR WORMS. You just don't know it.
AT MINIMUM, your gear should be placed in a location that is easy to get to, make sure the location you are at is secure, get your maps out, and start making calls to your other team members. If you have another person with you, give them clear and concise instructions to assist you (maybe loading gear, gathering food, clothing, etc.)
When the situation is beginning to expand and the emergency services begin to widen their perimeters, you have approximately fifteen (15) minutes to get your shit ready to go.
At this point, load the vehicle (Preferably a truck or van) and start the move. Get to a predetermined meeting location if you are meeting other members of your team (this will be dynamic based on the location(s) of the zombie incident.
When the Emergency BroadCast System is put into effect, you should be well on the way to your meeting area.
I will go into more detail on group strategies and equipment packages soon!
Let me elaborate.
The firearm package that I described in an earlier post was designed around the solo survivalist, dealing specifically with the undead. In fact, if we broaden the spectrum to general survival, I would also include a good .22 rifle for hunting and, if you have time and high ground, killing zombies by going for headshots and soft tissue shots in the head (eyes and nasal bridge to cause damage to the brain).
Now, back to the group thing. Having a wider variance of weaponry will definitely call for more than one person, considering the weight involved in carrying different caliber ammunition. You could switch out the M-4 for the M-14 or M-1 Garand, but in my opinion, if you are solo, you want to be consolidated and have multipurpose weaponry.
In a group setting, two or more people can opt to carry a wider variety of weaponry, so in this case, having a high caliber, longer range option is possible.
With groups, you have to be concerned about dynamics. ANY hesitation in decision-making is like a ticking bomb waiting to happen. Sure a group of friends can get together and have a party but in a survival setting, where stress is a HUGE factor, the ability to overcome and adapt to the setting is CRUCIAL.
What kills people in a stressful survival situation is the irrational bullshit that most normal people succumb to. For example, emotions, especially when one sees a family member who has been turned a walking undead cesspool, can produce deadly situations. WAKE UP! (slap to the face) and SURVIVE!
My recommendation: IF you can overcome the bullshit, have good group dynamics (I would recommend people that you have known for some time, have a good mixture of skillsets (IE: Survival, weapon skills, navigation, medical skills, mechanics, chemistry, psychology, etc,), and are prepared, then groups can work.

Preparation is the key. Everyone should have a fifteen minute bag. What I'm talking about here is a survival kit, similar to a general survival kit that will allow them to leave their home/location in fifteen minutes.
Why fifteen minutes?
In the event of a zombie incident, I agree with SuperGoober regarding his assessment of news and radio reports. These incidents will be discarded as rioting or large disturbances in localized areas. In a perfect world, this is the moment where you should begin to put your eme

FOOD FOR WORMS. You just don't know it.
AT MINIMUM, your gear should be placed in a location that is easy to get to, make sure the location you are at is secure, get your maps out, and start making calls to your other team members. If you have another person with you, give them clear and concise instructions to assist you (maybe loading gear, gathering food, clothing, etc.)
When the situation is beginning to expand and the emergency services begin to widen their perimeters, you have approximately fifteen (15) minutes to get your shit ready to go.
At this point, load the vehicle (Preferably a truck or van) and start the move. Get to a predetermined meeting location if you are meeting other members of your team (this will be dynamic based on the location(s) of the zombie incident.
When the Emergency BroadCast System is put into effect, you should be well on the way to your meeting area.

I will go into more detail on group strategies and equipment packages soon!
28 January 2009
The Mystery Science Theatre Method of movie reviews. .

Often, as I sit and watch movies about zombies, I find myself picking the movie apart and criticizing the sheer stupidity that the actors and actresses demonstrate which leads to their inevitable end.
So as a tribute to the MST crew, I will be posting movie reviews here with some "suggestions" regarding the behaviors demonstrated.
As a disclaimer, I would recommend developing your own strategies for surviving zombie incidents. Movies are entertaining, but they should not be used as strategy guides.
For the first movie, I chose an exciting sequel, "28 Weeks Later." Clearly the zombie-like creatures in this film are Type 3 "infected humans." Vicious, voracious, and highly contagious.
First, can I just say that allowing a large number of civilians into an "island" santuary surrounded by infected humans is sheer stupidity. Containment cannot be guaranteed considering the fact that two children were able to leave the sanctuary and enter the infected area of the city with very little military response.
Second, placing a military hospital with a "carrier" of the virus within the sanctuary is idiotic, especially considering a fucking janitor could card-key his way into the room of the carrier unchallenged. In the event of an outbreak, which occurred in the movie, containment is nearly impossible. Also, WHAT IS UP WITH THE LACK OF GUARDS ON THE ROOM OF THE CARRIER? HOLY SHIT MAN!
Minimum, I would have placed at least (2) two sentries on the room 24-7 and given orders that NO ONE without written and prior authorization be admitted into the room. If that person was so fucking important to the creation of a "cure" to the virus, then isolate, secure, and protect that person. Don't just leave her in a minimum security storage room unattended!
(Gets off soapbox)
By the time the commanding officer of the military zone declared a "Code Red" and put countermeasures into effect, the damage was already done, and no amount of conventional weaponry could contain the infected. I am not an advocate for random killing of civilians mind you, and I value human life like any normal and rational person, but at this level of infection, a better choice of weaponry should have been deployed.
I would recommend a contigency of attack and transport helicopters at the ready (AH-64 Apaches and MH-60L DAP Black Hawks) along with the deployment of at least 1 Division of Marines, with additional Naval reinforcements. MANDATORY for all soldiers: Bio-Hazard protection (in the form of suits, masks, etc. . .HELL even a simple NIOSH mask and goggles to help block blood splatter from entering the mouth and eyes.
The evacuation procedures were poor and the containment areas where the civilians were moved to had poor security and no alternate directions for escape.
As the surviving group tries to "live" the medical officer brings the two kids she has with her into a nearly pitch black subway tunnel with only a night-vision scope to assist her. At this point in the movie, I was just counting the seconds for her death. Nuff said.
Entertaining? sure. . . .good strategy and tactics? Hell, the infected humans had better strategy and tactics.
I give it 1 bite out of 5.
More to come!
27 January 2009
Zombie Typology . .
Hello all you enemies of the flesh-eaters!
Before I begin, I will start by saying thank you to everyone who is reading this blog with the interest in extermination of the living dead. I appreciate your patronage and hope that this information will assist you in your crushing of the undead cannibals.
I will also try to answer any questions you all have regarding zombies. Again, I am no expert, and what may work for some may not work for others. Take what information you need to survive!
After reviewing information regarding zombies and zombie-like behaviors, I have broken them down into several "types" that may assist you in assessing your situation and your particular survival needs.

Night of the Living Dead (old and new)/Dawn of the Dead (old)/Land of the Dead type zombies are slow moving, blood is partially coagulated in the circulatory system; traditional. This type of zombie is easy to maneuver around and destroy in open areas, but if allowed to gather, they can be a problem. They are attracted to movement and the "warmth" of the living. They typically shy away from fire, are distracted by bright flashes such as fireworks, and are relatively easy to disable/destroy.

Dawn of the Dead (new) type zombies can be slow to relatively quick in their movements. This type of zombie is extremely dangerous because of their speed and voraciousness. They have been known to use simple tools (rocks, pipes) to break down barriers such as glass windows, etc. They tend not to be affected by fire or bright lights and are more difficult to kill because of their erratic movements.
Days Later and 28 Weeks Later type zombies are very dangerous, due to the fact that they are not "true" zombies but rather they are "infected humans." Due to an unusual virus or infection, human beings are transformed into psychotic animals. Highly contagious, they should be avoided if at all possible!
Before I begin, I will start by saying thank you to everyone who is reading this blog with the interest in extermination of the living dead. I appreciate your patronage and hope that this information will assist you in your crushing of the undead cannibals.
I will also try to answer any questions you all have regarding zombies. Again, I am no expert, and what may work for some may not work for others. Take what information you need to survive!
After reviewing information regarding zombies and zombie-like behaviors, I have broken them down into several "types" that may assist you in assessing your situation and your particular survival needs.

Night of the Living Dead (old and new)/Dawn of the Dead (old)/Land of the Dead type zombies are slow moving, blood is partially coagulated in the circulatory system; traditional. This type of zombie is easy to maneuver around and destroy in open areas, but if allowed to gather, they can be a problem. They are attracted to movement and the "warmth" of the living. They typically shy away from fire, are distracted by bright flashes such as fireworks, and are relatively easy to disable/destroy.

Dawn of the Dead (new) type zombies can be slow to relatively quick in their movements. This type of zombie is extremely dangerous because of their speed and voraciousness. They have been known to use simple tools (rocks, pipes) to break down barriers such as glass windows, etc. They tend not to be affected by fire or bright lights and are more difficult to kill because of their erratic movements.

Get the hell outta dodge!
There will be more information to come on this but get the hell out of urban areas if you can! Unless you have absolutely no choice but to hold up inside of a building in an urban area, you should try to make your way out of the urban areas due to the sheer population problem.
Within an urban area, not only will you have to deal with the flesh eating fiends, you will have panic stricken civilians, rioting, gunfire, and traffic problems.
Your best bet would be to pre-plan a path out of the area through rural routes.
More info to come!
Within an urban area, not only will you have to deal with the flesh eating fiends, you will have panic stricken civilians, rioting, gunfire, and traffic problems.
Your best bet would be to pre-plan a path out of the area through rural routes.
More info to come!
Guns and zombies. . .
Ok, let's just jump to the exciting stuff right off the bat. I know that many zombie specialists recommend different weapon packages to deal with this menace, but here is my take on the subject:
After speaking to several coworkers, one of whom is a former Special Boat Team member with the US Navy, another a former US Marine, and yet another who is a Range Instructor and a qualified armorer with several different weapons, I have assembled a reasonable package of weaponry to assist with addressing a zombie threat.
Longarm: I went with an M-4 (.223 cal) with an EoTech sighting system, quad-rails with a laser/flashlight combo, and a 90 round drum magazine - In addition, (8) eight thirty round magazines carried in a MOLLE configuration on a tactical vest is preferable, giving the operator a total of 330 rounds of .223 cal. ammo, plenty of firepower for reasonable distance and somewhat close-quarter combat. (up to 100 yards or more) - REMEMBER! A GOOD SLING that you practice daily with as well!
Close quarters: Remington 870 Police Magnum 12 ga. with a collapsible stock (to accomodate a tac vest), extended tube magazine (7 rounds), 6 round side saddle, and bandoleer (50 rounds). Preferable type of ammuntion is 00 Buck and a number of 12 ga. Slugs for multipurpose use (zombies, blowing hinges off of doors, etc.) - REMEMBER! A GOOD SLING that you practice daily with as well!
Sidearm: AT LEAST (1) One .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol with (4) four additional magazines. A thigh holster is preferable with the mag. pouch located on the tactical vest. If you are fortunate to have (2) two pistols, then both should be carried in thigh holsters. This is especially handy if for some reason one of your arms is disabled.
And last but not least:

I recommend a Kukri or a K-Bar, but if all you have is a folding pocket knife, then that is good too. Make sure you have it in a location that is READILY accessible, like clipped to the front of your tactical vest or in a pulldown sheath near your front right or left shoulder.
Well there is the short and simple of it. Remember to practice with this weaponry. Shooting is a perishable skill, and the head of a zombie is moderately difficult to hit. Also, in a stress-fire situation, regardless of how good you actually are, studies show that anywhere from 40-75% of your shots will miss while under stress.
For example: (7) Seven rounds from a .45 pistol - 40-75% Stress Misses = 2-3 rounds actually making contact. THATS A 100% shooter.
Now lets take an 75% shooter in the same scenario:
(7) Seven rounds .45 cal - (2) Two rounds Shooter Skill - 40-75% Stress Misses = 1-2 rounds actually striking
Now lets incorporate the headshot:
(7) Seven rounds .45 cal - (2) Two rounds Shooter Skill - (2) Two rounds targetting the HEAD - 40-75% Stress Misses = 0 to 1 round actually striking.
Thats just (1) ONE round between salvation and being turned into dinner.
More info to come!
After speaking to several coworkers, one of whom is a former Special Boat Team member with the US Navy, another a former US Marine, and yet another who is a Range Instructor and a qualified armorer with several different weapons, I have assembled a reasonable package of weaponry to assist with addressing a zombie threat.
Longarm: I went with an M-4 (.223 cal) with an EoTech sighting system, quad-rails with a laser/flashlight combo, and a 90 round drum magazine - In addition, (8) eight thirty round magazines carried in a MOLLE configuration on a tactical vest is preferable, giving the operator a total of 330 rounds of .223 cal. ammo, plenty of firepower for reasonable distance and somewhat close-quarter combat. (up to 100 yards or more) - REMEMBER! A GOOD SLING that you practice daily with as well!
Close quarters: Remington 870 Police Magnum 12 ga. with a collapsible stock (to accomodate a tac vest), extended tube magazine (7 rounds), 6 round side saddle, and bandoleer (50 rounds). Preferable type of ammuntion is 00 Buck and a number of 12 ga. Slugs for multipurpose use (zombies, blowing hinges off of doors, etc.) - REMEMBER! A GOOD SLING that you practice daily with as well!
Sidearm: AT LEAST (1) One .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol with (4) four additional magazines. A thigh holster is preferable with the mag. pouch located on the tactical vest. If you are fortunate to have (2) two pistols, then both should be carried in thigh holsters. This is especially handy if for some reason one of your arms is disabled.
And last but not least:

I recommend a Kukri or a K-Bar, but if all you have is a folding pocket knife, then that is good too. Make sure you have it in a location that is READILY accessible, like clipped to the front of your tactical vest or in a pulldown sheath near your front right or left shoulder.
Well there is the short and simple of it. Remember to practice with this weaponry. Shooting is a perishable skill, and the head of a zombie is moderately difficult to hit. Also, in a stress-fire situation, regardless of how good you actually are, studies show that anywhere from 40-75% of your shots will miss while under stress.
For example: (7) Seven rounds from a .45 pistol - 40-75% Stress Misses = 2-3 rounds actually making contact. THATS A 100% shooter.
Now lets take an 75% shooter in the same scenario:
(7) Seven rounds .45 cal - (2) Two rounds Shooter Skill - 40-75% Stress Misses = 1-2 rounds actually striking
Now lets incorporate the headshot:
(7) Seven rounds .45 cal - (2) Two rounds Shooter Skill - (2) Two rounds targetting the HEAD - 40-75% Stress Misses = 0 to 1 round actually striking.
Thats just (1) ONE round between salvation and being turned into dinner.
More info to come!
OK so, on a daily basis, I will be adding information regarding Zombie Survival . .
The purpose of this entire blog is to provide suggestions and assist people in a zombie survival situation. I know that there are excellent books, films, documents, journals, blogs, websites, etc. out there that are excellent guides, and as a disclaimer, I am providing this information SOLELY as my opinion to help deal with the cannibalistic chaos of a zombie event. NONE of the information here should be taken as the "ultimate word" as I am not an authority on zombie lore.
I am merely a concerned citizen of the United States that, like every other American is using his constitutional and God given right to free speech.
I DO, however, hope that some of this information can be of some benefit to those of you that experience a zombie event first hand, and encourage everyone to acquire as much knowledge as possible about such situations and, for that matter, survival situations in general.
I am merely a concerned citizen of the United States that, like every other American is using his constitutional and God given right to free speech.
I DO, however, hope that some of this information can be of some benefit to those of you that experience a zombie event first hand, and encourage everyone to acquire as much knowledge as possible about such situations and, for that matter, survival situations in general.
26 January 2009
Why I want a world of utter chaos, lawlessness, and apocalyptic horror. . .
Ok here it is, I have lost faith in the system. This is tragic I know, considering what I do for a living but the system I view is the human race itself.
The world in which we live is constantly plagued with irreparable flaws and twisted views of societal norms. Meaning, people are more callous and selfish these days then ever before. Morals, values, even simple courtesy has left the building and as a result we will eventually be reduced to mere cannibals and warlords vying for control of dirty plots of land, eating scraps from the decayed toilet bowl of civilization.
My dream is that we ARE reduced to such lawlessness that those people that complain about order, laws, rules, mores, norms, etc. are exposed to sheer horror. Let us eliminate public safety, military, and any form of protection from society and let the natural course of things progress.
Even I may meet my end in this struggle, but those that are the "complainers" and the "whiners" about public safety workers will hopefully meet their end as well, or suffer in the apocalyptic nightmare of zombies.
The world in which we live is constantly plagued with irreparable flaws and twisted views of societal norms. Meaning, people are more callous and selfish these days then ever before. Morals, values, even simple courtesy has left the building and as a result we will eventually be reduced to mere cannibals and warlords vying for control of dirty plots of land, eating scraps from the decayed toilet bowl of civilization.
My dream is that we ARE reduced to such lawlessness that those people that complain about order, laws, rules, mores, norms, etc. are exposed to sheer horror. Let us eliminate public safety, military, and any form of protection from society and let the natural course of things progress.
Even I may meet my end in this struggle, but those that are the "complainers" and the "whiners" about public safety workers will hopefully meet their end as well, or suffer in the apocalyptic nightmare of zombies.
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