Before I begin, I will start by saying thank you to everyone who is reading this blog with the interest in extermination of the living dead. I appreciate your patronage and hope that this information will assist you in your crushing of the undead cannibals.
I will also try to answer any questions you all have regarding zombies. Again, I am no expert, and what may work for some may not work for others. Take what information you need to survive!
After reviewing information regarding zombies and zombie-like behaviors, I have broken them down into several "types" that may assist you in assessing your situation and your particular survival needs.

Night of the Living Dead (old and new)/Dawn of the Dead (old)/Land of the Dead type zombies are slow moving, blood is partially coagulated in the circulatory system; traditional. This type of zombie is easy to maneuver around and destroy in open areas, but if allowed to gather, they can be a problem. They are attracted to movement and the "warmth" of the living. They typically shy away from fire, are distracted by bright flashes such as fireworks, and are relatively easy to disable/destroy.

Dawn of the Dead (new) type zombies can be slow to relatively quick in their movements. This type of zombie is extremely dangerous because of their speed and voraciousness. They have been known to use simple tools (rocks, pipes) to break down barriers such as glass windows, etc. They tend not to be affected by fire or bright lights and are more difficult to kill because of their erratic movements.

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