Often, as I sit and watch movies about zombies, I find myself picking the movie apart and criticizing the sheer stupidity that the actors and actresses demonstrate which leads to their inevitable end.
So as a tribute to the MST crew, I will be posting movie reviews here with some "suggestions" regarding the behaviors demonstrated.
As a disclaimer, I would recommend developing your own strategies for surviving zombie incidents. Movies are entertaining, but they should not be used as strategy guides.
For the first movie, I chose an exciting sequel, "28 Weeks Later." Clearly the zombie-like creatures in this film are Type 3 "infected humans." Vicious, voracious, and highly contagious.
First, can I just say that allowing a large number of civilians into an "island" santuary surrounded by infected humans is sheer stupidity. Containment cannot be guaranteed considering the fact that two children were able to leave the sanctuary and enter the infected area of the city with very little military response.
Second, placing a military hospital with a "carrier" of the virus within the sanctuary is idiotic, especially considering a fucking janitor could card-key his way into the room of the carrier unchallenged. In the event of an outbreak, which occurred in the movie, containment is nearly impossible. Also, WHAT IS UP WITH THE LACK OF GUARDS ON THE ROOM OF THE CARRIER? HOLY SHIT MAN!
Minimum, I would have placed at least (2) two sentries on the room 24-7 and given orders that NO ONE without written and prior authorization be admitted into the room. If that person was so fucking important to the creation of a "cure" to the virus, then isolate, secure, and protect that person. Don't just leave her in a minimum security storage room unattended!
(Gets off soapbox)
By the time the commanding officer of the military zone declared a "Code Red" and put countermeasures into effect, the damage was already done, and no amount of conventional weaponry could contain the infected. I am not an advocate for random killing of civilians mind you, and I value human life like any normal and rational person, but at this level of infection, a better choice of weaponry should have been deployed.
I would recommend a contigency of attack and transport helicopters at the ready (AH-64 Apaches and MH-60L DAP Black Hawks) along with the deployment of at least 1 Division of Marines, with additional Naval reinforcements. MANDATORY for all soldiers: Bio-Hazard protection (in the form of suits, masks, etc. . .HELL even a simple NIOSH mask and goggles to help block blood splatter from entering the mouth and eyes.
The evacuation procedures were poor and the containment areas where the civilians were moved to had poor security and no alternate directions for escape.
As the surviving group tries to "live" the medical officer brings the two kids she has with her into a nearly pitch black subway tunnel with only a night-vision scope to assist her. At this point in the movie, I was just counting the seconds for her death. Nuff said.
Entertaining? sure. . . .good strategy and tactics? Hell, the infected humans had better strategy and tactics.
I give it 1 bite out of 5.
More to come!
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