After speaking to several coworkers, one of whom is a former Special Boat Team member with the US Navy, another a former US Marine, and yet another who is a Range Instructor and a qualified armorer with several different weapons, I have assembled a reasonable package of weaponry to assist with addressing a zombie threat.
Longarm: I went with an M-4 (.223 cal) with an EoTech sighting system, quad-rails with a laser/flashlight combo, and a 90 round drum magazine - In addition, (8) eight thirty round magazines carried in a MOLLE configuration on a tactical vest is preferable, giving the operator a total of 330 rounds of .223 cal. ammo, plenty of firepower for reasonable distance and somewhat close-quarter combat. (up to 100 yards or more) - REMEMBER! A GOOD SLING that you practice daily with as well!
Close quarters: Remington 870 Police Magnum 12 ga. with a collapsible stock (to accomodate a tac vest), extended tube magazine (7 rounds), 6 round side saddle, and bandoleer (50 rounds). Preferable type of ammuntion is 00 Buck and a number of 12 ga. Slugs for multipurpose use (zombies, blowing hinges off of doors, etc.) - REMEMBER! A GOOD SLING that you practice daily with as well!
Sidearm: AT LEAST (1) One .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol with (4) four additional magazines. A thigh holster is preferable with the mag. pouch located on the tactical vest. If you are fortunate to have (2) two pistols, then both should be carried in thigh holsters. This is especially handy if for some reason one of your arms is disabled.
And last but not least:

I recommend a Kukri or a K-Bar, but if all you have is a folding pocket knife, then that is good too. Make sure you have it in a location that is READILY accessible, like clipped to the front of your tactical vest or in a pulldown sheath near your front right or left shoulder.
Well there is the short and simple of it. Remember to practice with this weaponry. Shooting is a perishable skill, and the head of a zombie is moderately difficult to hit. Also, in a stress-fire situation, regardless of how good you actually are, studies show that anywhere from 40-75% of your shots will miss while under stress.
For example: (7) Seven rounds from a .45 pistol - 40-75% Stress Misses = 2-3 rounds actually making contact. THATS A 100% shooter.
Now lets take an 75% shooter in the same scenario:
(7) Seven rounds .45 cal - (2) Two rounds Shooter Skill - 40-75% Stress Misses = 1-2 rounds actually striking
Now lets incorporate the headshot:
(7) Seven rounds .45 cal - (2) Two rounds Shooter Skill - (2) Two rounds targetting the HEAD - 40-75% Stress Misses = 0 to 1 round actually striking.
Thats just (1) ONE round between salvation and being turned into dinner.
More info to come!
I like the assortment, and the variety, both long, medium, and "oh-crap-they're-at-the-fenceline".
ReplyDeleteHow do you feel about a larger caliber highpower rifle to deal with pesky zombies at the 300 to 500 yard range?
I would estimate a M14 type rifle would have both the accuracy & firepower to knock them at distance. Granted, weight becomes a factor with ammo, but if its part of a combined team, it may balance out the group.
Great post.
ReplyDeleteFirstly, re. thigh rigs and future recommendations on Tac-Gear, would you give your personal preference re. manufacturer? For thigh rig, would you suggest Black Hawk? or Safariland?
Also, re. GarandMan's comment, I concur. This appears to be a solo-load-out. Do you have recommendations re. team assignments? The reason I ask is because in most every possible Zombie attack scenario, the local media would provide at least an hour of "....strange and unexplained rioting and looting...unprovoked attacks on bystanders...", and Youtube journalism that might provide a Zombie paranoid like yourself ample opportunity to contact your like-minded compatriots to plan a rendezvous.
The reason I suggest there being a good hour of lead time is due to the typical "Zombie Ground Zero" scenarios, and please further elaborate of correct me:
1. Cemetery
2. Secret middle of nowhere Military base
3. Civilian laboratory (suburb or urban) involved in any of the following research; biochemical, weapons, genetic, viral, etc.
4. The site of a meteor strike
5. An animal quarantine facility
Any of these ground-zero situations may allow for a reasonable cushion for local media to follow the first few hours of infestation or attack. In which case, I would like to hear any team-load out recommendations for folks out here on the web that might have plans to meet up as a crew.
Just my thoughts.
I look forward to future posts on this matter.