05 February 2009

Coffee . . . .mmmm. . coffee. . . .rrrr .. coffee

So here i sit at 0844 hours and the rain is still coming down in this crappy bedroom community my ex-wife chose for me to live in (I will be moving soon to a more secure location).

And I haven't had a cup of coffee in 12 hours.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! (Let's out a primal scream similar to the one Arnold Schwarzenegger let out in the movie "Predator")

I'm on my way to a favorite coffee shop of mine in a nearby strip mall. Free Wi-fi, great customer service, awesome coffee, and electrical outlets near the ground! The plethora of attractive women has some slight influence over my decision to come to this shop, but only slightly.

Mind you, for anyone that knows me, I appreciate a small, neighborhood-style coffeehouse that serves a mean cup of coffee. Not necessarily franchise free, but small enough that the coffee doesn't taste like someone took a dump in the grounds. A place where the baristas actually know your name and face, remember your drink, and remember the conversation you had with them last week!

Two of my all time favorites near where I live are It's a Grind and The Naked Lounge. The second one is not a strip club, although the idea of a strip club/coffeehouse and roastery has crossed my mind.

Two of my favorites, besides a simple cup a' joe, are the Large Soy Tuxedo and the Large Naked Mocha. If you are in town, try em' out. Highly recommended.

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